On top of which my jupiter/venus midpoint exactly (0') conjuncts her sun/moon/venus midpoint. Also my Venus lurks close by (4 degrees) which also falls in her 5th house. Her venus falls in my second house and my jupiter falls in her 5th. I have it in a tight conjuctnion (13') with a girl I'm casually dating and it makes for the ability to go big and enjoy anything we together.ĭownside of it is tendency to go to excess. I know the closest aspect is supposed to be the dominant theme of the relationship so I just wanted some more comments/suggestions/experiences with this aspect. We also have it the other way around, by one degree, but my Jupiter in Pisces trines his Venus in Scorpio. He just shrugged it off, which bothers me. I tried to tell him to be honest with me about his finances and what he can or can't afford because we can work around it. We've been dating three months almost now and if I still wasn't sure about how I felt about him I would've left already. I feel he still thinks he needs to impress me all the time. And I don't care about that kind of stuff anyway. He does go a little over the top with compliments, adoration, and spending money, but I love it all except his money spending because it's getting to the point where he can't afford it. We are "supposed" to like different things but we like a lot of the same things and have similar senses of humor. There is a lot of fun, joviality, and good times. His Jupiter also squares my Venus-Pluto because I have the conjunction natally. He has the square natally, though, because his Venus is in Scorpio,too. I am the Venus (in Scorpio, in eighth) his is Jupiter in Leo, his eighth. I have this with my new boyfriend and it is the closest aspect we have in synastry. I have Yahoo too and would love to talk there. Me too Ami.I just don't have MSN so I'm not sure how to.hmmm! My Ex's jupiter opposed my Venus, and someone else's conjuncted mine. jupiter/uranus is high energy and enthusiasm. jupiter/pluto is an aspect of "riches" so it enhances luck/lucky breaks/good investments/wealth coming in. if youre from different cultures, it's goos for transcending social barriers. jupiter/saturn is a great frienship aspect esp. mars/jupiter is high energy and can be pretty sexy too (mars finds jupiter sexy). moon/jupiter is great cos theres lots of laughs, sun/jupiter is great cos jupiter becomes sun's good luck charm and will make them smile. but jupiter to anything is good since that is the planet of forgiveness and will work to put a positive spin on anything. Raspberri, imo one of the big ones is moon/venus, but it depends on your chart. cos it seems jupiter overwhelms venus with so much affection and resources too and it's never the kind that venus wants lol, anyone else hate the square? I'm not a fan of the square, being jupiter esp. My kinda relationship, but maybe not for everyone -)Īmi.I have yahoo messenger.can we still talk?įrom: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street. I LOVE venus jupiter in synastry! Even the square, lots of fun, compliments, admiration, and abundant self indulgence. venus jupiter is one of the 'in love' asepcts in synastry the connections are usually 1 way, in double whammy the feelings are the same for both. Well everything y'all have said is very positive.does that mean with a double whammy, it's even more so? Thanks!

You can also be supportive for each other. You might enjoy each other's company, and have lots of fun and have social activities together. Do you have messenger online or anything? I have tell you about last nights' convo and see what you think?

How you manage your fortunes comes from other areas of your union.Īmi- I put in my other Libra post last night that I wanted to talk to you lol. You two, together, are like great big magnets that have the potential to draw good times, circumstances and, things to you. I have been wondering about your Libra guy. in the conj venus loves jupiter and feels appreciated/admired. in the sq jupiter goes overboard and gives too much to venus who doesnt really want what jupiter is offering. In simple terms, love adoration acceptance/forgiveness of faults and your recreational activities are compatible, opposed to say a venus jupiter square where they will not enjoy the same things, etc. I have venus conj jupiter double whammy in synastry with someone.what would this bring to the table? Thanks in advance. Venus-jupiter in synastry - Lindaland Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! ()